Friday, June 8, 2007

A flowery birthday wish

Just another card...still playing with all the new sets I got...this one is called Pick a Petal and it's so darling. You can make tons of unique flowers. I love this color combo too!!


  1. Yeah a blog! We can not keep up with phone calls to eachother maybe we can check each others blogs now and then! *LOL*
    Looks great T!
    Miss ya and think about you guys all the time!
    Check out my blog too whan you get a sec.

  2. This is fun, Tara--makes me wonder if I can get something going for me this way---but a blog would be filled with all kinds of stuff about my stress as well, which might not be so good! :) Actually, right now we are just stressing cuz between Matthew's autism and Amy being dx'ed with ADD, we are trying to get the schools to do what they need to do. So far, we think we have something down for Matthew...
    Gotta run, but thank you for all the cute photos, and the great shots of your card-making, and ...well, it's just great to hear how you are!!
