Friday, June 8, 2007

Late Night Stamping

So here is the first of what are sure to be lots of new things since the new SU catalog is just around the corner!! I waited for the UPS man all day and when he finally got here with all my new stuff...I had to make dinner, get the kids ready for swimming with dad & get ready for the basketball game cuz I had girls coming over! my 'playtime' had to wait. {FYI...the Spurs won tonight...I have been cheering for them & I was cheering for the Cavaliers over the Pistons. So since both teams I was cheering for are playing I think I am taking a middle ground and hoping that it's an exciting series that goes all 7 games!!} Anyway...after the game I was able to sit down and stamp and I just had to get this one up before I went to bed!!


  1. Too funny ... have you always been a sports nut? Jennalee is the same as you ... taking middle ground and hoping for 7 games! That cracks me up! Texas brings out the sportsfan in ya I guess!

  2. Cute card! SOOO Jelouse no order here yet! But soon, glad to see you were able to get some stamping done...
