Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My first post I am new to this whole blogging thing and I am finding that it is more involved than I thought. I am really good at looking at other people's blogs and getting some great ideas...but creating my own is proving a little more challenging! Soooo after some convincing from a few good friends I decided I should give it a whirl...who doesn't love a good challenge? I hope that my few ideas will inspire others the way I have been inspired by so many!! :) This card was made for a friend, but I think now I will "give it" to myself as a pat on the back for figuring out the blogging thing!! Good for U, Tara!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How EXCITING!! I am so glad that you decided to join the 21 century! ;) I'll be frequenting your blog for new and exciting fun stuff! Maybe you'll inspire me to get working on my scrapbook that I've been neglecting since the beginning of 2007! AH! Love ya!

  3. Tara Im so excited!! I can't wait to see all of the amazing things you will post. Oh yeah and I LOVE
    your blog name!!!
