Thursday, July 26, 2007

...and the winner is...

...Denise!! She is the lucky winner of the blog candy! Denise if you will send me an email with your info then I will get your stuff sent...I have it all ready to go! Thanks so much everyone for commenting!! It was alot of fun to read them all and see how everyone would escape for a few days if they could! I found alot of you would escape the day to day grind but not your stampin'!! would take it with you! :) Oh is what our "candy" winner said she would do...
Denise said...
I would find a day spa and indulge! But, I'd have to come home late enough so everyone would be sleeping! (looks like Denise has a blog...
Handmade by me...check it out!)


  1. HOORAY for me! Thank you so much! Keep up the great blog work!

  2. hey girl. I love your cards.
    And to think I knew you when....
    I wish we lived closer, I would love it if you could show me how to do this stuff.
    Can not wait to see your christmas cards this year! *L*
    keep in touch. :)
