Monday, July 2, 2007

A brown motif

Ok, Ok I know...3 in a row with the same set...same basic ideas....but it's just so fun to play with! I love brown and pink...well I like brown with any's so cute! This was a fun, quick card! I finally pulled out my scrapbooking this weekend and decided that this summer is my time to catch up...I am so horribly behind! So be looking for some scrapbook soon as I find my camera amid the HUGE mess that is my office! No wonder it's such an ordeal to scrapbook...I have to have everything even remotely scrapbook related next me when I work, just in case I might need it!! Anyway...happy Monday...have a great week! :)


  1. Beautiful Card! I love all of them actually, but brown and pink are one of my favourite color combos.

  2. You are hillarious. Another Fab card though hun!! I cant wait to get this set myself!!!
