Tuesday, August 14, 2007

hang in there...

...that's how I feel...I lost my mo-jo. It's packed up & left...& I don't know when it's comin' back!! I got a couple of new stamp sets on Friday & was so excited to sit & play with them & see what I could come up with...and nothin'! So I came back to it later and still nothin'! So to make a long story short...it's gone, the creative juice has ran away..only temporarily I hope.
One good thing came from my slump...since I couldn't get into a creative mode I gave in and took the kids to Walmart to get all of the bazillions of school supplies they needed! After carefully explaining to the kids that there will be no fighting, there will be no throwing things in at random & there will be patience (and a quick McDonald's bribe if they were good) we went in with 3 long lists, 4 kids, one nervous mom and a pen to cross off the items tossed into the cart. We made our way through and found almost everything we needed! We left just about 2 hours later with a much lighter wallet and a receipt about 20 feet long...(and we did get to stop off at McDonalds on the way home!) :) Anyway...I finally forced myself this afternoon to try to do something and this is what I came up with. So I am gonna "hang in there" till the mo-jo comes back!! Hmmm...I just had a thought...maybe it's cuz it is sooo horribly hot! It's hard to think when you are melting away! :) Anyway...thanks for checkin' in!! Have a great week! ...Tara
what's in it?...
stamps...Event Full, Priceless, Itty Bitty Backgrounds
paper...certainly celery, soft sky, regal rose, whisper white
ink...certainly celery, soft sky, regal rose, black
accessories...soft subtle brads, silver brads, fat 5/8" rose ribbon
other...stamp-a-ma-jig, blender pens, {card size 3 1/2 x 4 1/4}


  1. What a sweet card! I'm loving that pink ribbon. And I just ordered a new hostess set Monday and now I wish I had got that one instead! Wahhhh! Don't despair, your mojo will return. I don't know how many times I've sang that same tune! Try a challenge or doing a catalog case...sometimes if I just stamp something, anything at all, it starts coming back! Hugs!

  2. Really cute card!! I have toes days more often than not....remember the HUGE stack of unmounted sets I have??? I still only got one of them out...lol. Hang in there. Inspiration will bite you in the bottom when you least expect it!

  3. I love the layout of this card !!! Great job !!! You're mojo is definately NOT gone !!!

  4. Looks to me like you found your mojo! Maybe it was the daunting list of school supplies! This card is so cute I just love it!

  5. cuteness! I love those brads...what a fun idea! :)
