Monday, September 3, 2007

happy grandparents day

So next week on Sunday is Grandparents Day! I didn't even know there was such a thing...did you? I wanted to get some cards made for all the grammies and papas in our lives. That means 9 cards!...aren't we so blessed to have 8 grammies & 4 papas to send cards to and a sweet couple who live by us that we have adopted to be a grammie & papa! :) I sat down last night to make a few cards and here is what I made...I decided to make 3 of these and then that was as far as I got. My dad called and we chatted for almost an hour (impressive since my dad isn't much for phone conversations...he likes the real life ones better!) After we hung up I felt like being lazy and not doing anything else...although it was I guess that's ok! Anyway...back to the card...I used the same card idea from a couple months ago, just changed it up a little bit to fit who it was going to! I thought it would be cute to use the "you float my boat" and cross out the 'my' and stick in 'our'. I used some stickles to make it glitter and on 2 of the others I just embossed the heart with clear embossing powder to make it shine.
**Have a relaxing Labor Day and enjoy the end of the long weekend! Thanks for stopping by...I am hoping to post something else tonight...if I can sweet talk my hubby into taking the kids swimming, then I can stamp for a little bit this afternoon!! :)
what' in it?...
stamps...Boatloads of Love
paper...river rock, blue bayou, ruby red, whisper white
ink...river rock, blue bayou, ruby red, going grey, buckeroo blue, stazon black
accessories...silver brads, Cuttlebug, crystal stickles
other...stamp-a-ma-jig, paper piercer & mat pack, distresser, blender pens


  1. Very cute! Love the way you crossed out the "my" and added "our"! Precious!

  2. Really Cute...I'm tellin ya if you keep doin neat stuff like this with it I am gonn have to get

  3. Such a sweet card! Might have to CASE it! :)
