Tuesday, September 4, 2007

a teacher gift

This pic is a little treat I made for Tyson's first grade teacher...it's a 'thanks for making Ty's first week of school so great and hope you survive till Friday' kinda treat. It's a little band aid type container I found at Archivers. I filled it with nuggets all prettied up with labels. I made a quick little card to go with it. I am going today to go get some more of these band aid boxes...they are darling and they hold 12 nuggets perfectly...a great little gift...I have a few more teachers to go!
Have a good Thursday...we are off to go meet Kyler's preschool teacher today!! He starts school next week. :)...T
what's in it?...
paper...bashful blue, certainly celery, regal rose, whisper white, confetti, just delightful scrap kit
ink...bashful blue, certainly celery, regal rose, versamark
accessories...square & round brads, apricot, rose, blue gingham, & celery polka dot ribbon, crystal stickles, clear embossing powder
other...dimensionals, heat tool


  1. This is so pretty. I'm sure she is going to love it. :)

  2. Tara, thanks for your super sweet comments on my blog today, and thanks for the link to yours. I'll link you up to mine tonight. Love the band aid box gifts! Cute. I've gotta do nugget treats, what sized label do you use, and do you have a photo of a cutied up nugget?

  3. Hey! this is such a cute idea ... i'm gonna copy - mine won't be as cute but it's a GREAT idea!
    also... andy plays basketball on wednesdays and met a guy named jon (he thinks his name is) that says he's marrying a jasperson from redmond in 2 months ... there's only one jasperson family i know that lives in redmond ... which one of your sisters is getting married?? Carly?

  4. Love, love, love your teacher gift! I'm so jealous! lol! I hope it went well for him!
