Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big on Christmas #1

I got my Stampin' Up! order last night!!!...finally!...my UPS man didn't come until almost 8pm! {talk about makin' a girl wait!!} I am so excited to have the Big on Christmas set. When I first saw it in the catalog it wasn't anything special and then the more I looked at it the more I liked it!...so finally I got it!!! I already made a card with each of the images, today here is the first of the 3 cards I made....Happy Holidays. It's actually a pretty simple card...I just colored it in with my blender pens and then made a cute bow with my ribbon, to give it a "present" look...a cute idea I got from Laurie (click here to see her card). Thanks for stoppin' by today...have a great day!!! :)
what's in it?...
stamps...Big on Christmas

paper...so saffron, real red & wild wasabi, both textured, whisper white

ink...real red, wild wasabi, so saffron, black
accessories...wild wasabi double stitched ribbon, crystal stickles

other...blender pens, glue dots


  1. OK Tara ... now I'm think' I need to order this set now too! You're such an enabler!

  2. Oooh~ I just love these cute Christmas cards they are just darling. I also love love love the bow it really does make it look like a neat little package all tied up!!

  3. This one's super cute too! And now you've used all of them, good, so none of them feel left out!!
