Sunday, October 21, 2007

Christmas Stars

I found this great tutorial on Paper Pleasing Ideas...{click here for the tutorial} for these star ornaments! Aren't they cute? They were so simple and so fast!!! Even the most paper challenged could whip them up!! :) There was no stampin' with these, but if you wanted to stamp your own patterned paper you could! I made about 6 to try different widths for the points of the stars. These are the 3 I liked the best. I ended up doing my tips 1 3/4 in. {that will make more sense once you read the tutorial} I used my Cosmo Cricket Be Good paper! Give these cute things a try...they are fun, fast and cute!!
Happy Sunday...hope the rest of your weekend is good!!! :)


  1. Ohhhhh Thoes are great tara!!!
    I'll have to try some later!

  2. Love your stars! Brings back fond memories of making these last year and gets me in the mood for Christmas! Thanks!

  3. These are so beautiful!

  4. These are beautiful! I'm going to have to try them .. thanks for the link to the tutorial!
