Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hey everyone!!!
Just a quick hello to let you know I am still here! We have had a stomach virus at our house!! {*yuck*} After my last post about heading out to enjoy the weather and hang out with the came to a screeching halt when my son Austin got sick! The kids had been battling the yuckies all week and he was the last to finally get it! So by Sunday evening, I thought we were home free....but not so! It was my turn!....I caught the bug too and of course mine stayed longer than anyone else's! So between that and my daughter Kailee ending up with bronchitis...that was our week! BUT...we are all feeling good now and we did take all day yesterday to enjoy the beautiful fall weather! We had a picnic at the park, played tag, threw the football around a bit, played mini golf and had a fantastic time! Then my sweet daughter babysat the boys last night so that me and Shawners could have a date night!!! I had to get shoes for my sister's wedding and so my sweet husband followed me all around the mall and helped me find just the right pair, without a complaint!....What a man!! We had dinner and then came home to all the kids in bed and a clean kitchen!! I have an incredible little family!!! I am blessed! :)
Well....I am off....have a fabulous Sunday!!! I will have something to show you soon!!! :)


  1. Hey! Sorry to hear about everyone getting sick, but SO glad y'all are feeling better!! And what sweet kids ~ in bed AND the kitchen was clean?!! Dh talked to Rebecca (from the model home) and she said the drywall, sidewalks and driveway are done! And that they're starting on the cabinets next week!! OMW!! Our house is pretty empty ~ they packed everything Thurs. and Fri., so we're living on *loaner furniture*. It's pouring rain today, but I have a ws later, so that'll help pass the time! Again, glad everyone's feeling better!!!

  2. Welcome back! Glad you are all feeling better. As a mother of 4, I can relate.

  3. I need a baby-sitter!! How about you guys move here since you love it her so much! ;)
