Friday, November 9, 2007

Mr. Turkey

Hi!! I was so busy all day cleaning yesterday getting ready for company, I didn't get to post anything...but I wanted to share this cute little turkey with ya'll. I was trying to think of a simple, fun card to show off some of the DSP for this months promo at my Club Mtg. tonight. I made this turkey using the Apple Cider paper. I used all different kinds of punches to make the turkey pieces. I used a big 2 inch circle punch for the body and the 1 inch circle for the head. I used the word window for the feathers and for the beak the photo corner punch, and just cut a corner off....and for the gobbler I used one of the flowers from the Spring Flower Bouquet punch. I will show you a few other club project later this weekend! Thanks for stopping by! Have a fantastic Friday!!! :)
what' in it?...

paper...chocolate chop, whisper white, close to cocoa, Apple Cider DSP
ink...close to cocoa, chocolate chip

accessories...fat chocolate ribbon, pewter brads

other...punches: 2 in & 1 in. circle, Spring Flower Bouquet, photo corner, word window, black marker


  1. What great use of so many punches! Love all the dp!

  2. Wow, I had no idea there were so many different punches you crazy crafters had. ;) This is the type of card that is perfect for kids to give their teachers, or to bundle with some cookies and take to a neighbor. Cute Stuff T!

  3. There truly is no end to what you can with punches and this turkey is just way too cute !!! Love him !!

    Happy Turkey Day to you (soon)

  4. Ah, very clever!! Lovin' those tail feathers;)!
    Debbie J.

  5. Hey Tara, just wanted to say that I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  6. Oh, he is soooo cute! I haven't seen a turkey like that yet. Don't know how I missed this before! Guess I better make a note for next year!
