Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Hey everyone! How's the week been? Mine has been well fun for me...not my family! I have totally neglected everyone and everything in my life cuz I got hooked and sucked into the books I have been reading!! Have you ever done that?'s just sooo good you can't put it down! I did shower...but I am not totally sure I brushed my teeth, dinner didn't get made, dishes were left in the sink, laundry continued to pile up & I even got a stamp order delivered and still haven't touched it!!! Well...I thought I would just start the book so I could read and fall asleep on Sunday night....but wouldn't ya know it? got interesting! So I stayed up till 4:00AM reading...finally when I realized I only had 2 hours of sleep I forced myself to put the book down and go to wasn't easy! Then I had to finish on Monday and when I did I immediately went to book 2 and the neglect continued! you must be wondering...what is it that is so good! Twilight, New Moon, & Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. I certainly don't want to ruin anything for those of you who haven't read the I am not going to say anything...but it is the best few hours you will spend reading if you choose to have your life come to a grinding halt too!! For those of you who have read know what I am talking about! :)
Ok...on to some card stuff...obviously these were made before the reading began...I just wanted to make some quick 3x3 cards and put them in an origami box for a little gift set. The pictures pretty much explain them all! Happy Wednesday and Happy me anyway! ;)
what's in it?...
stamps...True Friend, In the Spotlight, Little Pieces, Three for You
paper...Really Rust, Soft Sky, Sahara Sand, Old Olive, Fall Flowers DSP, whisper white
ink...Really Rust, Soft Sky, Sahara Sand, Old Olive, Groovy Guava
accessories...brads, ribbon, markers, circle and scallop punches
other...stamp-a-ma-jig, dimensionals


  1. I saw your cards at SCS and thought I'd check out your blog. My dd just got the Twilight book from a friend. (She is 14). Do you think its age appropriate? I'll have to borrow it as well.
    Love your are so creative. Hope you dont mind me dropping in to see what you are working on. Thanks!!

  2. Stephanie Meyer is my college roommate's sister-in-law. She sent me an email a few years ago, before the books were published telling me about what her s-i-l was doing. Its awesome to see how popular the books have become and now there will be a movie!

  3. I know what you mean. I keep thinking I have the 4th book I need to pick up and start reading, but it's not here yet!!! I just can't take it!

  4. WOWZA, TARA !!! These are absolutely gorgeous !!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE 'EM !!! Great job, kiddo :)

  5. What is it with those books? Everyone I know is reading them too.

  6. I LOVE your little cards!! What cute combos! I hear you on the reading, I do the same thing, that's why I can't read during the school year. It kills me! DH got me 2 books for Christmas I'm dying to read, but will have to wait until summer, because I cannot control myself! I hear those books are good from lots of blogs, I must look into June!

  7. can you take a pix of the card on the right in the back - curious to see the entire card - so cute! thx

  8. What size paper did you start with to make the box? I have the directions for the box off of SCS but I'm hoping to make a standard size card or at least one that is closer to standard size so it goes in my envelopes better but wasn't sure if a 12x12 piece of paper would work or not? Any input you might have before i start making a ton of cards & boxes that are the wrong size I would appreciate it.
