Wednesday, March 5, 2008

double blast off I have been so excited to sit down and play with my new paper!!! I went to Archiver's the other morning and when I walked in there was a big display of new Cosmo Cricket paper!!! YIPPEE!! It's the new Robot themed paper Cogsmo! So with robot paper I had to use the spaceship again from Pun's just too cute! It was one of the reasons I got the set! Anyway...the paper matches SU colors perfectly and the combo of colors are terrific!!! I used my blender pens and ink pads to color the images. I used only 2 of the papers from this set...{don't worry just give me time I will get them all used}...'bandwiths' and 'links'. Oh and the layout was from todays Sketch Challenge at Splitcoast.
Have a great day still!
what's in it?...
stamps...Sanded bkg, Pun Fun bayou, soft sky, wild wasabi, whisper white,
Cosgmo cosmo cricket dsp
ink...ruby red, marigold morning, balck, wild wasabi, blue bayou, soft sky

accessories...pewter & ruby red brads, crystal effects, wild wasabi ds ribbon

other...stamp-a-ma-jig, blender pen, dimesnsionals


  1. Om Gosh!!!! These are so cute, I LOVE the paper! (silently weeping, wishing archivers was closer)
    Big Hugs,
    Tiff :)

  2. This are so FANTASTIC -- especially love your colors!!

  3. Fantastic card! I enjoy your blog.Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Oooooh, fabulous cards! I may have to break down and get this set, I love that rocket ship so much. Love that new paper, it IS perfect with that stamp! So jealous you have an Archiver's...ask them when they're coming to Dallas, okay?!

  5. Very Cute Cards Tara....sadly my Pun Fun set is still unmounted...I have been doing too much!


  6. These cards are absolutely fantastic, kiddo !!!! Way to go !!!
