Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Monday after Easter

Did ya'll enjoy your Easter weekend? We sure did...the weather was beautiful. The Easter Bunny found our house and filled the baskets and left all sorts of fun goodies! We had a super yummy carrot cake that I made from scratch and homemeade cream cheese frosting!! Just typing about it make me want another piece!! :) We all also spent the days with some friends and just relaxed and chatted while the kids played!
Anyway...on to paper crafting goodies! I made these cute notebooks for the kids and put them in their easter baskets. They are always using up all my computer paper so I gave them their own books to draw in, write in or whatever else they are gonna do with them! I didn't too many extras since they are being used by kids. I used sticky strip and mono adhesive to adhere the paper to the composition notebooks. I sanded all the edges with a sanding block to get rid of any paper hanging over. These went pretty quick and they were fun to do. The 2 little boys, Tyson & Kyler have notebooks that have the paper that is lined on the bottom and blank on the top, just like in school so they can draw and write.
Thanks for coming by!! It may be a couple days before I get to post again! I am super busy with card orders and I need to get them finished!! Then hopefully I will have a little play time!
...take care and have a marvelous Monday!!!
what's in it?...
stamps...big deal alphabet, mini alphabet (from Hobby Lobby)

paper...Friends & Flowers scrap kit, chocolate chip, Cosmo Cricket "cogsmo" &
"get happy"
ink...wild wasabi
accessories...ruby red, blue, apricot brads, silver hardware
other...mono adhesive, sticky strip, sanding block


  1. So creative. My boys are older now so they don't draw and doodle as much as they did when they were younger. I may try this for our family vacation to give to the kids to work on their creativity. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh! These are soooo cute! I bet the kids loved them! Super neat putting something homemade in their Easter basket!

  3. These are so darn cute! I love the paper on Ty's!!

  4. What fantastic projects, girlie !!! I'm sure the kids will get great use of these !!I'm glad you had a nice Easter....we did too and of course ate way too much chocolate !!! That carrot cake and icing sounds fantastic !!!

  5. These notebooks are so neat Tara! I especially love all the robot perfect for boys!
