Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tagged!...& a Tart and Tangy set

Hi....another post today...aren't you all lucky ducks! I was tagged forever ago by 2 fabulous ladies...I have just been too big a slacker in responding and forwarding the honors to some other deserving gals!! So a super duper big to Angel & Tonya for taggin me! Check out their awesome blogs...they are talented ladies!! Ok...since my brain isn't fully functioning today...instead of sharing some random things about me...I am going to share the fun cards I made using the tart & tangy set! I was inspired by Andrea...I love this paper and this set! I made these really super simple and really super fast! These have no sentiments on them so I can use them for whatever I need! I made this box on my own...I don't have a be honest I don't remember what I didn't turn out how I wanted it to though...the bottom has a hole in it and it really only looks good from the I am gonna have to do some tweaking and then hopefully I can share my directions....{{warning: don't hold your breath waiting for me to get that done though!!!}}
before the card are the super talented, super stampalicious ladies I am tagging! Angie, Roxy, Tiffany, Penny & Nancywhat's in it?...
stamps...Tart & Tangy

paper...whisper white, bashful blue, old olive, pumpkin pie, real red, Summer Picnic dsp

ink...bashful blue, old olive, pumpkin pie, real red, close to cocoa

accessories...olive, blue, pumpkin red striped ribbon

other...scallop & circle punches


  1. I LOVE these! I haven't gotten to sit down and really USE this set but I'm dying too! Aren't they fun??

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!! These are my favorites!!!! How much for the set?

  3. Holy Smolly Macaroni girlie !!! These are incredible !!! Love'em !!! I already added them to my favourites on SCS a few days ago...sweet job !!!!
    Thanks for tagging me...I'm awful with tags but I'll try my best :)

    Love ya...

  4. love this set of cards!! thank you so much for the tag!!
