Thursday, March 13, 2008

WOW....that's all I can say...WOW!!!

...can you believe the talent that is out there? Sometimes I just forget what talented ladies there are in the crafting world!! I was so excited when I stumbled upon this darling little purse! Jan Tink as she is known to some, is amazing!!!!!!! She thought this cute little thing up and created it and shared it on her blog! Of course I jumped on that and wanted to make one for myself! I have only finished the front so far...I am about halfway through the inside...I was just too excited to show this to you to wait for the whole thing to be done! So I looked at hers...then went to work making my own last night...then when I finished my front I went back to look at Jan's again to see her inside and oops....I made my front almost exactly the same as hers! Well...I didn't intend to totally copy it exactly but it is what it is....I am just excited that mine will be as cute as hers! :) So THANKS to Jan for sharing her creativity with the rest of us who can't seem to tap into that part of our brains...{or maybe I should just say, Thanks from me....I can't seem to tap into that part of the brain...seriously?! Where is that part? How do I get there?...and is there a key or a password or a special jig I have to dance to enter?... I know, I know, I am creative I have made some cute things...I'll admit that but the thinking things up is not my thing! I have sat and thought...hmmm what could I do that hasn't been done? What would be cute? I look at all the stuff at my table and then I sit for so long and get nowhere that I give up...mostly cuz the smoke coming out of my ears from brain overload scares my kids and the smoke alarm is dangerously close to going off!! So I go to my computer and look for some inspiration! I can't tell you how long I looked at those Carousel Notes and tried to figure out something cute to do with them!}
Oh well...That's why I am gushing about Jan today and all the other talented ladies out there who I case!! {I love that word, sounds so much better than copy!!} Thanks for the inspiration...for the great ideas and thinking the stuff family thanks you too...I don't think I would be much good to them with a fried brain!
Ok...I gotta go...lots to quick post turned into a long one...and although some of you might think I am crazy...I amused myself and had a good chuckle while writing this! :) ...cuz's all very true!
what' in it?...
stamps...Three for You
paper...soft sky, Afternoon Tea, dsp, Carousel Notes & Envelopes
accessories...wild wasabi & chocolate satin ribbon, silver hardware
other...scallop & circle punches, dimensionals, crop-a-dile, circle cutter (CM)


  1. I saw these yesterday too! I have to wait for my Afternoon Tea DP to arrive! It is so cute!! I agree, I want to know how to tap into that part of the brain! It amazes me the things some ladies can visualize! TFS!

  2. These little purses are awesome arent they!! I haven't ventured forth to purchase the carosel notes so therefore when I looked at Jans cute purse I smacked myself for not having anything comparable to make one with.. You totally crack me up, I totally get your smoke coming out of the brain thing, you know how I roll!! I love to look for inspiration online too, and your right it is alot easier on the brain. And we all know that my brain needs as much help as it can get. Also, I really enjoyed seeing Kylers cute pictures and give him a big Birthday hug from us..

  3. Isn't this project amazing....and yours is gorgeous by the way !! It's because of Jan's project that I now have to order Live your Dreams, and Afternoon Tea DP...oh well.they're GORGEOUS !!!

  4. WOW!! Is Jan or yourself making a tutorial for this awesome purse album. Somebody has to...they are AWESOME!

    I'm leaving my e-mail so I don't miss out.
