Sunday, March 2, 2008

yummy carrot treats!

A quick post to share with you...some treats that I am making for the kids teachers. I am going to give them to the teachers before they head off to Spring Break just to say "thanks" and have a good break...Teachers can never have enough Thank Yous if you ask I am always trying to come up with little things to send with the kiddos to school! These are so super easy!!! I mean super, duper easy...I used the disposable icing bags and cut them down a little {you could leave them big and just fill it with more candy} I punched a scallop and tied it with ribbon! See...EASY! I didn't come up with the idea though...I got this great idea from Lauren, check out her blog here. I'm not really the idea kinda girl...I have just become great at casing!!!
OK..before I say goodnight...I have to tell you that MICHAEL BUBLE IS FABULOUS!!! That doesn't even come close to the realm of explaining how great!!! That voice is to die for and boy...can he entertain!!! Shawners gave me the tickets for Valentine's Day so it was a "this is more for you than for me gift" and he was awesome to come with me!! {of course he was not the only one in that boat last night though} Shawn enjoyed himself...the guy can sing and he can entertain a crowd...he was sympathetic to the guys who were dragged there! It was pretty funny!...some of the innuendos that were made about how the guys would thanking him later that night! Anyway....HE WAS AWESOME!! I can't wait to go see him again! If you have the chance to go...I strongly urge you to do so!! You will not regret it!!! Also...the opening group was called Naturally 7...I can't even do justice in explaining how talented they are...they do everything with their's have to check them out and take a listen!! Click here to see their YouTube video.
what' in it?...
accessories...disposable frosting bags, pink striped ribbon, celery paper, scallop punch, m&m's


  1. Oh, these are sooo cute! You are so thoughtful, wish your kiddos were in my class! lol!

  2. Tara, these are so cute! Great idea and wonderful presentation in the green pail!

  3. these treats are darling!! I'm sure the teachers will love them!

  4. Too cute! I actually saw a cute set of 3x3's on SCS with a matching box. I have been cruising your blog for 30 minutes now! You have now been bookmarked! Love your ideas! And, you are a TX girl like me! We are having snow, 2+ inches~were we not 78 degrees 36 hours ago? I just hope I can get a quick pic in before it melts...sorry for the book!
    Laura from Frisco

  5. great treats...I got to do this =)
