Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A "Dig It Out" CASE

Crazy title huh! Well...Angie has been doing a "Dig It Out & Use It Up Wednesday" challenge on her blog and so I thought I would give it a whirl this morning! I realize that this idea was not an original...far from it!! I completely CASED this card from Sara...see her card here. She is a talented stamper...her cards and scrapbook pages are always the cutest! I have been wanting to make one of these cards since I saw I finally did it and it fit Angie's challenge perfectly! So I dug out all my teeny, tiny little scraps of Summer Picnic paper that I refused to throw away in the event that they might come in useful!! I love the layout of this card...I am going to do this one a few more times...simple, cute and uses up those scraps that you can't bear to part with but know you probably won't ever use!! :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday...I am off to the mall in search of some summer clothes for the kids and I and new swimsuits for the kiddos!! :) at ya later!!!
what's in it?...
stamps...Absolutely Fabulous

paper...kraft, Summer Picnic dsp

ink...old olive

accessories...bashful blue striped ribbon, olive & pumpkin brad
other...1 1/4 in. square punch, die-cut blooms, glue dots


  1. they turned out so cute Tara! Great job! What a great way to use those scraps! I guess I need to save mine, right?

  2. Yay! Your card looks fabulous!! Thanks so much for playing and posting! You're the best! Hugs!

  3. I absolutely love these ! This layout is cool !!!!

  4. I really like how many different papers and stuff you used. As always, the ribbon is so cute. Love the colors. You sure do have an eye for colors!
