Thursday, May 8, 2008

a super cute water bottle cute is this water bottle? I know...darling huh...almost to cute to actually use!! I know I have seen these before but I totally snagged this idea from Nancy...she made water bottles for the girls that came to her Tart & Tangy class and did a whole theme...great idea huh!! Well, I tried this one and then decided to do a whole case of water bottles and I am sending them to the school to give to the teachers...just another very easy way to THANK YOU to all our hard working teachers!!! I used the same dimensions as Nancy did...a strip of cardstock that is 2 x 7 3/4 inches. You will have to figure out the strip around the water bottle depending on what kind of water you use. Thanks again Nancy for your great inspiration!!!
what's in it?...
stamps...Tart & Tangy
paper...real red, Summer Picnic dsp

ink...real red, old olive markers

accessories...silver brads

other...1 3/8 & 1 1/2 circle punch, scallop punch, sticky strip, aquafina, crystal light fruit punch


  1. Tara, that's a GREAT idea to use them for teachers' gifts!

  2. Very cute!! I was admiring those on Nancy's blog too, I need to try it! Way to go to you for actually doing it!

  3. i LOVE THAT IDEA! how great as a little thank you for teachers or co workers!

  4. What a great idea! I love this!!!

  5. Thanks for the Inspiration Tara!! I love these and finally got around to making some for the kids teachers! You Rock!! HUgs,
