Tuesday, June 17, 2008

another fresh cut card

Ok...I know you are probably sick of this set...but I am really loving it. When I made my other card I stamped two of these images in the black staz-on cuz I knew I would want to make another one with the black background! I just love the look of the black with a hint of color added. I snagged the idea for this spotlight technique from Miss Roxy...check out her cute card. I punched a 1 3/8 in. circle out of a separate image. I colored in only the circle to "spotlight" the beautiful flower. The I popped it up on a dimensional and added it to the image where it was punched from. Fun huh?! I love learning new little things to do to jazz up your card making! I used the same layout as my last card like this too...it was just the easiest way to get the card done!
...for those of you who read my previous post...I was finally able to go to sleep after I finished up on the computer...nothing like a little blog surfin' till you are completely blurry eyed to get you sleepy! I have to be ready to fall over, dead tired before I hit the pillow and sleep. If I am even a little bit "awake" I lay there and my mind starts to wander and I think of all the the things I need to do or didn't quite get done...or whatever else might be goin' on in my head that day! I know...I have tried everything!!!...and I do mean everything to not be that way...it's just in my wiring! :) oh well!
Anyway....Angie...next time I am up...I am totally emailing you so we can have a late night challenge!! Sounds fun!!! :)
chat at ya later!...
what's in it?...
stamps...Fresh Cuts

paper...wild wasabi, groovy guava, basic black, whisper white, afternoon tea dsp

ink...black staz-on, groovy guava, wild wasabi
accessories...black brads, wasabi ribbon

other...dimensionals, 1 3/8 in. circle punch, distresser, blender pen


  1. Very cute and clever! I wondered about coloring in on that stamp, didn't know if I would have the patience, so this is a good alternative! And I'll be looking for your late night email and have a challenge ready for us! *wink*

  2. Love the spotlight for this card! We just used this set tonight at my stamper's club! Glad you got to sleep! I am wired the same way. I sometimes go watch the Weather Channel. Works everytime!
