Thursday, July 3, 2008

a creative slump

Well...sorry it's been quiet over here for a few days! I have been in a creative slump...I have been busy working on some bridal shower favors and my mind is stuck there! I have also been busy with the kiddos...we went to see was cute and made our trip to kids love to go with me, we eat hot dogs for lunch and then make the rounds to all the sample tables while we are getting our stuff! yummm! And last night Kailee and I went to see Get was pretty funny...I love Steve Carell.
I wanted to make a card today but I couldn't think of anything new so I went with a card I have made before. I can never have too many birthday cards so this was a good way to go. Also these colors are a little more masculine and I never seem to have enough of those kinds of cards around...everything always seems to be girlie. I pulled my colors from the Crew Kids scrap kit. There really was not alot of brain power that went into this card so there isn't much to tell.
Have a great day...4th of July weekend is almost here! yippee!
chat at ya later...
what's in it?...
stamps...Birthday Whimsy, Polka Dot bkgd
paper...basic gray, wild wasabi, soft sky, white
ink...basic gray, wild wasabi, soft sky, pumpkin pie
accessories...pumpkin brad, pumpkin stripped ribbon
other...stamp-a-ma-jig, dimensionals


  1. These are very cute! I love the brad you added to the one present! It's great to have old standbys to rely on, isn't it?! I'm sure you'll be glad to get the shower stuff finished! You'll probably be busy with holiday stuff, but give me an email if you're up and want a challenge any night! ;-)

  2. This is really cute, i love that polk a dot background! It goes with so much!! :)

  3. Hey Girl, I feel your pain! I think all of the moving around I've done has taken it's toll on my creative abilities.. These cards are super cute!! Hope you guys have a GREAT 4th!! Love ya,

  4. These are just fabulous! Would love to see what you are working on for the bridal shower!!
