Tuesday, July 22, 2008

fabulous friend

Warning...some non stamp ramblings here: I had my Stamp Club meeting this morning and so I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with Shawn yet. He was the sweetest to take the kids swimming while I was busy even though he was soooo tired! He is taking a quick nap and then we are all gonna hang out! Wanna hear something super fun!! Shawners bought me a gift while he was Indonesia, he was in Jakarta. He bought me a GORGEOUS pearl necklace and pearl earrings! I feel sooo spoiled! They are beautiful!! I am already wearing the earrings!! I feel so pretty!
Ok, ok...enough gushing...on to card schtuff! This card was simple...the layout was from the 2 Sketches 4 You design team call they had. I love, love, love this sketch...I am definitely going to try my hand at this one again! I used the retired hostess set Event Full. The heart is from Boatloads of Love. I used crystal effects on all the hearts. I added some pink dew drops and the silver hardware (see I am getting better at not hoarding!) I used my color spritzer with a regal rose marker on the white paper. Oh and my circle nestabilities die for the scalloped circle.
gotta run...thanks for coming by!!
chat at ya later
what's in it?...
stamps...Event Full, Boatloads of Love, Amazing to Zany

paper...regal rose, soft sky, old olive, whisper white

ink...black staz-on, regal rose, soft sky, old olive, regal rose marker

accessories...pink dew drops, silver styled hardware, "fat" olive ribbon, crystal effects

other...color spritzer, circle punch, circle nestebilities die, cuttlebug, dimensionals


  1. Very pretty! Love the little heart and how you used the silver hph for the little circle! Congrats on the new pearls, they sound lovely!! What a sweet guy you have, hope you get to spend some *quality* time together soon!

  2. Yea for Shawn...always has been a good guy. Yea for Pearls! Yea for this cute card. I love the little circle thingy and the phrase you put in it. YOU ARE FABULOUS! :) I love the little details...your cards are so special.

  3. Very sweet...I love that stamp with the little hanger.

  4. Hey, Im glad to hear he is home!! now if I can get Rob here.. I love this card and layout and colors!

  5. Oh yes, I adore this one!! I've left you a little award to show my appreciation for your wonderful talent...please visit my blog! www.stamphappens.com

  6. Hi there! Pretty card! I got the link to your blog through a post on Kristina's color inspiration #17 (don't know if you are familiar with it so here is the adress: http://kwernerdesign.com/blog

  7. Your cards are so cute! I often peek at your blog and wanted to say 'hi' today! Keep 'em coming! Hugs to you, Les
