Friday, July 18, 2008

a rose by any other name...

Good Morning!! Ok, before I go much further I am going to explain myself cuz as I was looking back through some of my more recent posts they are all credited to some talented gals out there!!! {rightfully so} It just made me realize that I haven't been all that creative on my own. It's funny, cuz I know exactly why...when Shawn is out of town I kinda go into survival mode! I have wanted to stamp but my creativity was tired along with the rest of I have been surfing the blogs to find my the time night rolls around & kids are in bed, my mind is ready to relax. So I hope you will forgive me that so many of my posts are CASEing your fabulous ideas out there!!
Ok...that said, last night I wanted to participate in Kristina's color challenge. I love this soft with just a little pop of color. I found this cool tutorial on Julie's blog. She shows you how to make a torn rose. I really love's so easy, you can't mess it up. Mel also has a cool example on her blog...check it out! I used vanilla paper and sponged the edges with soft sky for my rose. I kept this card really simple cuz I didn't want to take away from the pretty flower!! Give this one a will not be disappointed!
Before I go...a super, duper, HUGE THANK YOU to all you gals out there! You have been leaving the kindest comments! You have no idea how much I truly appreciate it!!! You Rock!!! Have a fabulous day!!!
chat at ya later...
what's in it?... stamps...Absolutely Fabulous, Itty Bitty Backgrounds
paper...very vanilla, soft sky, certainly celery, pumpkin pie

ink...soft sky, certainly celery, black

accessories...celery ribbon, half back pearl {Pretties Kit}

other...glue dots


  1. I so enjoy your blog! Please don't feel bad about CASEing. In my opinion no idea is completely original. It's all been done before, maybe just presented a different way.

    And I totally understand that when Hubby is gone you need that break of just making something. I know when mine was gone for 4 months, I really didn't care what, I made just as long as I was creating something NOT FOR OR WITH THE KIDS!

  2. I totally agree with Jennifer. Besides this is your take and you version and that makes it an original. BTW, I love your take so clean and classic. TFS!!!

  3. Beautiful! I love the flower, it really makes your card stand out! TFS!

  4. You may be casing others but you put your own touches on the cards. It's always fun to see how each person interpts a design. Creating is good for the soul!!!!!

  5. CASING is not a bad word...I love when someone cases my is the a form of flattery...your card is beautiful! I think Kristin is going to love the flower!

  6. CASEing is a great thing! At least I hope, because I do it often myself. You have done a great job on this card. That rose is just so pretty.

  7. This does not look east Tara, but it is pretty!! :)

  8. this is so adorable and thanks for posting the link on how to make this beautiful rose =)

  9. Very pretty card & the rose is beautiful. Thanks for the links.

  10. The rose is beautiful, as is your card. Thanks for the link to the tutorial.

  11. This is sooo pretty! I LOVE that flower, must try this! TFS!

  12. Great Card! I really love the flower that you created! Gotta Love that Pretties Kit!!!
