Wednesday, August 6, 2008

almost an inchie

Good Wednesday Morning!!! How ya'll doing? As promised...a card with a new color combo...different than my last 3 posts! Yesterday we had Tropical Storm Edouard blow through which gave us some much needed rain! I spent the day inside with Shawn and the kids, we played games most of the day and just hung out! After dinner I snagged a quick couple of minutes to have some stamp time! I kept it simple. I used the flowers from the new hostess set Window Dressing. I colored the image with blender pens and ink pads and added just a few dazzling diamonds to the middle flowers. This almost made the "inchie" cut but my square is 1 1/4 in. Close I have mentioned before...I am always a day late and last to hop on any bandwagon...I have just recently learned what inchies are!! {If you have lived in a hole or a closet under the stairs like me then let me shed some light for you!...Inchies are just a one inch square that you can stamp, decorate, embellish, or whatever to add to your card...ahhhh...
hence the name inchie!!} It's are not alone! Free Smiley Courtesy of
Ok...gotta run...time to be a mom!
chat at ya later...
what's in it?...
stamps...Window Dressing, Itty Bitty Backgrounds
paper...soft sky, old olive, chocolate chip, cameo coral, whisper white
ink...soft sky, old olive, chocolate chip, cameo coral, apricot appeal
accessories...chocolate twill ribbon, pewter brads, dazzling diamonds
other...blender pens, glue dot, paper piercer & mat pack


  1. Very cute! YOu did great with your inchie! Glad you got some rain, sounds like a fun day playing inside!

  2. I was under the stairs with you! I thought there was more to an "inchie"! Very cute card and I love the colors! We are praying for some of Edourd's rain in the next day or so up here. Missed us today, SW of us.

  3. love it! very cute! do you have a page geared towards book pages or just this card site?
