Monday, August 18, 2008

tuggin' along

WOW....I feel like it has been forever since I last blogged! I have been sooo super busy! Tax free shopping weekend here in Texas is always when I go do my school clothes shopping (I can't resist saving a few $$ here and there!) so that took all of my Friday and Saturday! My kids are troopers though... a little bribery goes a long way when you make them shop all day for 2 days!...they were so great! They have all grown so much that I didn't dare go without them...they had to try stuff on and I was right...they all grew way to much! You might also be so relieved to know that I found a dress for my brothers wedding (I leave in a week...ahhh!) well if you aren't relieved, I am! So Sunday was recover day after shopping till we dropped and then today was the dreaded cleaning!!
So do I have anything new to share you ask?....NO! Just a card I made a while ago that I never got around to posting! It's pretty similar to one I have done in the past but I was bored when I made this so it got a few extra details! I cut out the windows and added acetate behind them and put brads to the middle of the life preservers. Gotta'd think a small break would be well deserved by now...but no...Shawn is out of town this week so I am mom and dad...I have my Stamp Club tomorrow night and lots to do to get ready!
chat at ya later!
what's in it?...
stamps...Boatloads of Love
paper...not quite navy, ruby red, old olive, whisper white
ink...not quite navy, ruby red, old olive, going gray, soft sky
accessories...olive ribbon, red, olive, navy brads,
other...cuttlebug & embossing folder, acetate, hobby blade, blender pens, distresser


  1. Wow, have had a lot going on !!! I love your cute !!!
    Have a great time at your brother's wedding !!

  2. Tara,

    Glad you found a dress.. I know how frustrating that can be!! love the new card

  3. Very cute! Love these colors together! You were very brave to venture out on the Tax Free Weekend! Of course, you're younger and stronger than me! hee! hee! Good luck with Stamp Club!
