Saturday, October 4, 2008

Recipe Holder

I have been running a fever of 103 this weekend...not sure why cuz other than the fever and being tired I feel fine! I am feeling a little better this evening so I thought I would share this cute recipe card holder I found when I was in Utah. I thought it would be cute to keep on my kitchen counter and change out the recipes for the holidays or whatever I feel in the mood for! For right now I am keeping my Pumpkin Bread recipe in there. I love Pumpkin Bread and this is a fabulous recipe.!! I just printed out the recipe on a piece of vanilla paper and backed it with pumpkin pie paper. I watercolored the little pumpkin and stuck it on with a dimensional. Click on this smaller picture----> and you should be able to see the recipe well enough to copy it down and try it out for yourself! I promise you won't be disappointed! :)
chat at ya later...
**OOPS...thanks to Connie for pointing out that I somehow left out the shortening for the bread!...where is my head?
you need 1/3 cup shortening**


  1. Very cute recipe holder!! Thanks for the recipe too, I love everything pumpkin!

  2. Cute recipe holder. I would like to try your recipe but it doesn't say how much shortening. It say to cream shortening and sugar together but doesn't say how much.
    Connie R.
