Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Christmas Wish

I had the best Sunday...I am sorta bummed it's coming to an end!! I went to church this morning where Kailee sang "O Holy Night" with another girl and she knocked my socks off! I have known she could sing and it's been fun seeing her develop her special talent...but today she was INCREDIBLE!!!! I was in tears...then I had her sing it again at home and I was in tears again!! It was beautiful...I couldn't believe the voice that was coming out of that sweet little 13 yr. old girl!! Then I had a Sunday afternoon nap and I woke up to Shawn making dinner...Zuppa Toscana's a fabulous recipe I found and tweaked to recreate the yummy soup from The Olive Garden! Then a fun game with the family and now doin' a little bloggin'!! that you are all caught up on my day...on to the card. :) I love this set and I haven't had much time to play with it. I thought it was perfect to do the spotlight technique on though! I am hoping to make a few more this week before I have to put it away till next year!!
Have a wonderful evening! at ya later!
what's in it?...
stamps...Home for Christmas
paper...kraft, chocolate chip, old olive, riding hood red, very vanilla
ink...chocolate chip, riding hood red, old olive, more mustard, creamy caramel, going grey, close to cocoa
accessories...felt alpine ribbon
other...1 3/8, 1 1/4 circle punch, distresser, stamp-a-ma-jig, dimensionals

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty card! Love that spotlighting! Her song and singing sounds so lovely, wish I could have heard it!
