Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Hey everyone! Oh, Christmas Tree...Oh Christmas Tree {can you just hear the song?} that's what came to mind as I was making this card! I snagged this idea from Heather. She made a smaller tree on a gift tag and I decided to go big and do a card. {I think that's the motto here in Texas...go big or go home!} It's so cute...I am going to make a few more of these for some of my Christmas cards. {{gasp}} No my cards aren't done yet...not even close! Oh well...that's me...always workin' till the very last minute...I work best under pressure and stressed out...at least that's what I have been telling myself for years! :)
Ok...on to more fun news! Only 2 days till my birthday!! Can you feel the excitement? I sure can! I will be the ripe 'ol age of 33!! I feel a little old...I am the oldest in my family so I am always hitting that "old" milestone before anyone else which makes it worse than those that may not be the oldest in their families! {my brothers and sisters don't let me forget it either! nor does my hubby even though I am only older than him by 2 months!} ;)
Have a super fantastic day!!! Thanks for coming by!!!
chat at ya later!
what's in it?...
stamps...Best Yet
paper...kraft, kiwi kiss, close to cocoa, more mustard
ink...close to cocoa, kiwi kiss
accessories...earth elements brads, riding hood ribbon, dazzling
other...giga scallop punch, 2 way glue pen, sponges, stamp-a-ma-jig, dimensionals, star punch
**oh...my eye is still swollen and hurting, it's actually worse today, but thanks for all the nice comments....I especially loved Linda's...it made me laugh, which made me squint my eye, which made it hurt worse...but whatever! :)


  1. Super duper cute tree card! I like the "go big" Texas theme! And don't worry, you'll still be a "youngin'" to us old folks!

  2. Tara, I love your scallop Christmas tree! It's one CUTE card!

    Happy early birthday!

  3. Tara, another really cute card! Thanks for the inspiration. Love your style!!

  4. Wow! This is so cute! I really like the tree. You are so clever!

  5. oh this is sooo cute what a neat idea. And oh my goodness your so not old!!:) Thanks so much for sharing and Have a very happy birthday. Blessings Renee

  6. What a sweet idea to make a Christmas tree!
