Thursday, February 5, 2009

cake anyone?

While you are waiting, anxiously I am sure, to see the rest of the project I am working on. {see post below} I have something else to share with you. Shawners was out of town this year for his birthday. He was in Indonesia. We are going to be celebrating when he gets home tomorrow. Shawn isn't big on sweets...he really doesn't care for chocolate! I KNOW, I KNOW, it's painful even to type. I should've been more thorough in my question asking session before I agreed to the "I DO's" :) See what happens when you are twitterpated and the man you love asks him to marry you? You forget about the importance of some things! Oh well...we've come to far now! :) So he isn't big into having the traditional birthday cake. I found this in my google wandering {don't you love Google?...I could not live without it} He does love the Hershey Nuggets with Almonds though. He likes them cold from the freezer so he doesn't taste as much of the chocolate. I thought this year this would be a fun cake for him to have. He can have it all to himself and I even made a home for it in the freezer so he can enjoy it the way he likes it! The was simple to make. Just wrapping, and gluing and decorating. I used an old Simply Scrap Kit that I had left. I don't remember the name of it. I used toothpicks for some of the decorations to stand out a little. The paper curls I just wrapped around my stylus and then played with till they looked good to me. The candy is glued to styrofoam circles I got at the craft store.
Alrighty...I have babbled enough for one night! chat at ya later...
Thanks for coming by!!!
what's in it?...
paper...birthday scrap kit, tempting turquoise, old olive, pumpkin pie, apricot appeal, white, river rock

ink...tempting turquoise, old olive, pumpkin pie, apricot appeal

accessories...turquoise and apricot ribbon

other...styrofoam circle, glue gun, toothpicks, Hershey's Nuggets with Almonds, stylus


  1. This is Awesome! I love your take on the nugget cake and I may have to do the same for my hubby!!! Very happy colors and it just makes you want to celebrate.

  2. OMG!!!! You have to share the details on how to make this. You googled it?? Share the link sister! LOL

  3. Tara!! This is so GREAT! This is such a fantastic idea and like everything you do is sooooo cute! Thanks for Sharing-love ya
    Are you on facebook??

  4. OMGosh! That is just fabulous! Love IT!!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful! How did the odd chocohater like it? You are so creative!

  6. WOW! This is sooo amazing! I don't think I could stand for him to eat it and mess it up! lol!

  7. Tara,

    This is so cool! Great job!


  8. Hi I love visiting your blog, you are very talented. I left you an award on my blog.

  9. This is absolutely GENIUS !!!!! Oh my it !!! WOWZA !!!!
