Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trendy Trees

I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend! We had a long 4 day weekend at our house! We got so many 'to-do's' done that had been accumulating on our list! It was great! We also just relaxed...it has been a long time since we were able to just be at home and not have a gazillion places to be to!
Here are a couple of cards to share that I made this weekend. This is my 3rd attempt at getting a good picture and the weather is just not cooperating...so it is what it is! I give up! I love this Trendy Trees set! It is sooo cute!! I used my new paper that is offered for free in the Sale-a-bration catalog!!
**Are any of you Bachelor watchers? I couldn't believe that Jason let Jill go!! I really liked her...I was hoping they would get together! {I don't normally watch The Bachelor but I went to elementary, jr. high and high school with Jason so it's been fun to see him on there!} It's my latest claim to fame! Anyway...gotta go watch American Idol...I am a slave to my shows when Shawners is out of town! It keeps me company!
Hope you have a great night! chat at ya later!
what's in it?...
stamps...Trendy Trees
paper...sahara sand, certainly celery, bashful blue, whisper white, Delicate Dots dsp
ink...chocolate chip, certainly celery, bashful blue
accessories...so saffron striped ribbon, silver brads
other...stamp-a-ma-jig, paper piercer and mat pack, distresser, corner rounder, dimensionals


  1. Very pretty cards, Ilove the soft colors.

  2. Very cute tree cards!! This set is so cool, just love it!

    HOw neat that you know the Bachelor! I haven't seen it, I'll check it out! What do you think of the new Idol format this year, with the 3 contestants moving on?

  3. Cute card! I am patiently awaiting my next order with Trendy Trees in it. Love the stripe ribbon with the stripe paper!
