Sunday, March 1, 2009

another acetate card

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We did! It was busy but super fun and then we got to sneak in some relax time today! :) The Katy Rodeo was soooo much fun! I am going to be posting pictures on my family blog soon if you want to take a look.
This is another acetate card I made when I went a little crazy and made a bunch last week! I like this "hey cupcake" sentiment. I wish it was a stamp! These are just rub-ons from the Loop to Loop/Hand Drawn Bundle. The "hey cupcake" it on the acetate and the cupcake image and brad are on the baja breeze paper.
Have a great start to your week tomorrow! Can you believe it's March already? Where does the time go?
chat at ya later!
what's in it?...
paper...not quite navy, baja breeze, old olive, regal rose, acetate brad, olive ribbon, Loop to Loop rub-ons
other...distresser, glue dots