Monday, March 30, 2009

Copy Cat Basket

Hello...Happy Monday! How has your week started? Mine was exciting...I popped on over to Nancy's blog to check out her Ipicks and imagine my surprise when I saw that my Rolodex Birthday Reminder {see post below} was one of her picks! That was a fun start to the week...I love seeing Nancy's picks! Thanks Nancy!! :)
This basket is a total copy cat of the one that MJ Albright did. That girl is amazing! I had just barely gotten my top note and scallop envelope die in the mail when she posted her basket and I wanted to try one too! {a little side note...check out the boat pop up card that MJ made it is sooo cute! } This week I am going to be sharing a lot of copy cat projects I have done over the past month. I have been quite busy with a couple of banner projects {I will be able to show you soon} so I haven't made anything new in a couple weeks!
Thanks for stopping at ya later!
what's in it?...
stamps...A Little Something
paper...sahara sand, whisper white, Delicate Dots dsp
ink..chocolate chip, bashful blue, certainly celery
accessories...pewter jumbo eyelets, pewter brads, celery twill ribbon, hemp twine
other...crop-a-dile, dimensionals, sponge, three for you punch, paper shred, hershey chocolate eggs, big shot, scallop envelope die, top note die


  1. Just beautiful!!! You always do the most amazing papercrafts.

  2. Oh my gosh! This is darling. I was afraid of it, it looked so scary on Mary Jo's blog :)
    Great job!

  3. Very cool!! Great version of the basket!

  4. Can you tell us how you did the woven effect?
