Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lunch Sack Albums

The books ended up pretty bulky after they were done but that's ok!
I didn't want to put other kids pictures on my blog without parents permission so I just photographed Ty's page.
I used jumbo eyelets to bind the book and put the ribbon through
Only a 1/2 day of school left!! I think I am gonna make it!! Although...this has never happened to me on a school day...I totally overslept this morning...missed my alarm, Shawn even said "wake up i am leaving" and nothing. I woke up at 8:15 which is the time the little boys are supposed to be at school!! aghhhhh! So the boys were late to school...oops. I think mentally I must be already out for the summer!!!
These are the lunch sack albums I made for Ty & Kyler's teachers. There is a picture of each child in the book. Also I went into the classrooms one day and kicked the teachers out so I could ask the kids questions. I put all of their answers on the back pages of each insert. Questions were, "What has she taught you?", "What will you miss about being in her class?" "Funny or silly things you remember from this year?" The answers I got were awesome! :) I think I used 4 sacks for each book. I bought a Simply Scrap Kit for each book {2 Sweet & Hoppy Memories} and just used mostly elements from that to decorate! On the back page of the book is a paper with all the kids signatures on it. These were so fun to do and I think both teachers loved their book!!!
Have a great day!
chat at ya later!card and gift certificate on the inside


  1. WOW!!! Those are AMAZING!!! Your kids teachers will feel so loved and cherish those forever.

  2. Those are awesome! I wish your students were in my class! I'm sure both teachers appreciated them very much - I know I would!!

  3. Awwwww, how precious are these albums! And the cards with the kids' writing, I'm just dying! You are such a thoughtful and wonderful parent for your teachers!

  4. Those are absolutely amazing! One of the cutest ideas yet. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I'm a second grade teacher, and I would love this for my class! I don't have their comments, but I have all of their pictures. Another summer project; what fun! TFS.

  6. What FUN! A great idea for any kind of gift! This is a "must do" project! Thanks so much for sharing!
