Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

Hello to all my blogger friends! What a crazy 6 weeks it has been! School starting, I was out of town, 1 week of sick kids, 2 birthdays, an anniversary and a hubby who is out of town for 3 weeks...I have had little time for stamping which is a total bummer!! I think that most of the crazy has died down and I am slowly squeezing in some fun therapy time for myself! I thought I would start out slow and simple. This was a fun idea I found years ago and just thought of it again to do! I made these for my daughter's kindergarten class and filled the bags with popcorn for a party they had. These are so simple the kids could help out in making them. I just used a 1 3/4 in circle punch for the "moon" and some black grosgrain ribbon for the "bats". I am going to be making a bunch of these for Halloween next month!
THANKS for coming by and for being so patient with me!
chat at ya soon!
Have a super, super day!
what's in it?...
stamps...Whimsical Alphabet

paper...yo-yo yellow

ink...yo-yo- yellow, black
accessories...black ribbon
other...1 3/4 in. circle punch, sponge, brown paper lunch sack

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!!!

    This is so simple and beautiful. I think I am going to try this too.
