Wednesday, October 21, 2009

crafty things

Hi!! I wanted to share some of the crafty, non-paper related things I have been up to lately! I decided that I was sick of the yellow in my kitchen and I needed a new color on the walls! So even though that was the original still isn't quite finished! Of course when I decided that, then all these other ideas started coming to me too! With the help of my good friend Lela I chose a new paint color, 2 actually. Lela suggested doing an accent wall, I love that idea, I was just always too chicken to do it. I picked a creamy caramel type color for the walls and a shade darker for the accent wall. (pics to come soon) Then I thought why not paint the wall where the fireplace is the same as the kitchen walls so it all ties in together! Love how it turned out! Then after talking to another friend of mine I finally felt brave enough to paint my door black. I have wanted to for a long time but again was too chicken. I added a vinyl welcome and I LOVE the way it turned out! Would you believe that I made this?! It was just a plain old piece of wood when I started! Isn't it cool! I have wanted a clock like this for a long time! I finally have it! I love the way this red turned's kinda bright in this picture. It is going to hang in the kitchen on those creamy caramel walls. {hmmm, I just realized that I am calling my walls a creamy caramel, but it's not the stampin' up color...just what it looks like to me!}
thanks for stoppin' in!
chat at ya later!


  1. Please Please Please share how you did the clock. Where did you get the clock parts, how did you "paint" it, what size is the wood etc.

  2. LOVE IT ALL TARA!! Can't wait to see it in person. You have always had that decorator flair, whether you want to admit it or not...remember some of us have beige walls, beige couches and bikes for living room decor! (not to mention the dog nose prints on all the windows). LOVE N MISS YOU ALL TERRIBLY!

  3. Very nice! Don't ever be afraid of can always paint right over it if you don't like it. Trust me, we've done that here!

    Will you be teaching us how to make that clock at our next stamp meeting? He, he he!

  4. Wow, I LOVE how your door came out. I've never seen anything like that before. I'm definitely going to be following. You have great ideas!
