Friday, March 26, 2010

Animals and Flowers

Let's face it...I am on a roll and who knows when this will happen again so I gonna post a few things at a time!! It's either that or be lost forever in all my digital pics I have left to sort! These are 2 cards I made to show at my Stamp Club. Nothing fancy...just cute!
chat at ya later!


  1. You know, when this animal set came out I was a little miffed because I really liked the animal set before this one. But when I see cards like yours I start to rethink the whole thing. This is too cute. Love the 3-D look. The sweet pea stuff is wonderful. Hope they keep it in the new cattie. Great ideas. This e-mail is going in my stamp camp idea file for future reference. Linda

  2. Awesome cards!! You are on a roll, so glad to see it! Keep it coming! *grin*
