Saturday, July 21, 2007

BLOG CANDY!!! promised here is the blog candy! I want to thank everyone for checkin' out my blog! It has been so much fun for me to do. It makes me sit down and create more often than I probably would and it's good therapeutic time for me!! :) Thanks so much...ya'll are awesome! here's the deal....leave a comment & on Thursday the 26th in the a.m. I will draw a name for the winner of the "candy". Good Luck!
I know sometimes people attach questions, then you can leave your answer when you here is mine! We are about halfway through our summer break and we are reaching the "I'm bored.", "What can I do?" stage of the summer...(my disclaimer...I love having my kids home for the summer, I enjoy my time with them) but after a particularly hard week I was thinking wouldn't it be nice if I could just disappear for a few days to have some "me" time...with no questions about being bored or anyone asking for a drink or a snack! So where would you pick up & go to for a few days of total "you" time? My answer...well I have 2 kinda, cuz I just can't choose...I would go to one of the big NASCAR races...I love the races! Also I would fit in some time to go jet skiing and 4 wheelin'! My thought is...if I only get a few days...I wanna have fun!!!

What is all that "candy"?...2 sets of clear stamps, a love one and a party one...a frosted lace stickles...5 different colors ribbon...16 sheets of 6x6 paper from sei...clear buttons, brads and clips


  1. If I could get up and go, I would go to a scrapbooking cabin and get some serious scrapbooking done! I want to go there now!! Thanks!
    Cheryl KVD

  2. Me time, huh? I would drive down to Virginia and spend time with my mother and sister -- just us, no other family members to entertain or cook for. I would call old friends and have a couple of lunch dates, and maybe squeeze in a manicure and pedicure!

  3. Sweet candy you are celebrating with your readers. Where would I go for me time. I would go to a place where there would pamper ME! Then I would be so relaxed that I would go lock myself in my stamping room and have fun and maybe the next day have fun with some of my stamping buddies. Thanks for a chance.

  4. I would do what I do twice a year, go interstate and go on a stamping weekend away with my girlfriends. It is a great way to keep in touch, and get some 'me' time.

  5. I know the answer to this, because I did it just a few months ago to celebrate the big 5-0 birthday! I got a hotel room about 2 hours away from home for JUST ME. I brought all my stamping supplies; I made a list of 5 different stamp/scrap stores I wanted to visit that I'd never been to before; I brough my binoculars, camera, and walking shoes ... and for the whole weekend I ate where I wanted, shopped where I wanted with no time limits, I did paper crafting in my hotel room watching all the TV shows I wanted, and I slept in a big bed, all to myself. It was sheer heaven!

  6. What I do for "me time" is this. My girl friend sponsors trips to the various casions in my area.
    When I can't stand it anymore and my packetbook agrees...I sign-up for one of her trips and get away from it all.
    Thank you for sharing and you enjoy your "me time" also:)

  7. Hmm --- I have a few things I would like to do --

    1 - escaping to a scrapbook retreat would be great

    2 - I really could use some beach time and a few good books

    3 - this may sound weird, but it really does appeal to me to have my husband take my kids away from the house for a few days and just let me have some quiet time, by myself, in my own house!

    Awesome candy --- Isn't the blogging communtity fun?

  8. You have a wonderful blog! I'd grab hubby and go spend some time in a nice hotel by Lake Superior.

  9. Great question! I would jump in the car, drive 2 hours to Newport, Oregon on the Pacific Ocean. There I would do three things in the next few days: read Harry Potter at the Sylvia Beach Hotel (a place for book lovers), walk along the beach, and go serious scrapbook shopping at Memories By Me which is my dream LSS. Thanks for offering a chance to win fantasic blog candy!

  10. Just found your blog! It's awesome! If I could just go somewhere by myself for some "me" time, it would be to my craft room to just stamp and scrap the day away with no interruptions. That would be so great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Oh what a great question! It's fun to dream up different things and maybe hope to one day get to do them! I think if I had time/money -- I would go to a spa - sit by the pool and get massages and facials and be pampered!!! Maybe get some stamping time too in the evenings :)

  12. I would rent a house out on the lake and bring all my stamping supplies so I can relax and stamp all weekend long. that would be heaven!

  13. Whoa, me time. My friends and I were just talking about this! Funny thing, I would like to have everyone leave and let me just be home alone for a day! :) Whenever I get alone time it's when I'm out with the girls or OUT somewhere, but I would love the house to myself for a minute!! :)

  14. Wow! I would go Nascar Racing...Hands down! My Dh & I use to date going to the races before we married. I even got to be the trophy queen 3 times. It was awesome, but we loved the races. So thats my vote!

  15. I'd head to a cabin on a beach. Sit outside, watch the water, the sunsets, read, scrapbook. Totally enjoy the quiet and the time alone.

  16. Every year I splurge and buy Best of Broadway tickets to see 4 or 5 fabulous Broadway plays throughout the year. It's a treat that I enjoy doing with my mom and my daughter.

  17. I would rent a house boat for me and my doggie up near Mackinaw Island and listen to the boats traveling the lake at night and just watch the stars and meteors and sun rises. And finish Harry Potter. And eat peanut butter out of the jar!

  18. Serious ME time would be staying home and crafting ... and send everyone else away! I'm most comfortable at home so that is where I would prefer to be!

  19. I would lock myself in my stamp roon for a day or me time!

  20. You pose an Incredibly daunting question for me.. So here goes,
    1- If money were no question, I would take a week long cruise somewhere Tropical with DH.
    2- I'm currently planning a trip to Idaho to visit my parents, My mom recently found out she has severe brain damage from an auto accident and I need to go and help them out.
    3- I like Heathers idea to have DH take DKids and leave the house all to myself!! That's a VERY Great Idea Heather!
    Thanks for all of your AMAZING inspiration, I just love ya and miss ya too!!
    Oh 4- would be to head back to TX and visit all of my Dear Leftbehind Friends! xoxo

  21. Can you say river time? I would get my girlfriends together and go camping, rafting and spend some relaxing time by the fire or at this hotsprings day, not really a spa but it sure feels like one after soaking for an hour. Then there is this botanical gardens to walk through and just be. Reading the Bible would definately get some quality time in there as well... Well thanks for the opportunity. I just found your blog and some of your links and boy I wish that I had not seen those, or should I say my bank account wishes that I did not see those ;-)

  22. We I am not as advertuous as you. If I had a few days to myself I would love to go away with a couple of close friends and relax. Maybe sit in a huttub and do some shopping.

  23. T- First... I HIGHLY recommend putting an add in your local College newspaper for a "mother's helper". I did this with BYU and have found 4 really outstanding 20 somethings who love to play with kids. Depending on money, I hire them to come a few times a week for a few hours so I can run errands, go workout, or just go shop at the mall ALONE!!! Seriously, its makes me really appreciate my kids when I am home with them. :)
    Second--try pudding painting with your kids. Strip them down to their undies or swimsuits, get a tub of chocolate pudding and let them loose out in the yard, to paint themselves and eachother. Then turn on the sprinkler and hose them off. :)

    Okay, as for your question...Me Time...I would LOVE to go relax up in the mountains, but I would bring DH. Probably go to Colorado to Estes Park...hike, car rides, wade in the river, shop, and eat yummy food. Ahhhh.. when can I go?

  24. I'd head to my favorite place to relax & have a good time - - - The Oregon coast.

  25. Everybody needs "me time." When my kids were little, my husband would actually suggest that I get away for a few days and usually, since I lived away from my home town, I would head home to spend time with my parents and extended family. I would pay for my trip by teaching T-shirt painting classes (I was into tole painting back then). I got to see old friends who signed up for the classes and I made enough to pay for my plane ticket! I couldn't have been happier. :)

    Karen L.

  26. Our kids aren't little anymore, but when they were and we could afford the time and money, we would get away from Santa Barbara to Laguna Beach or Newport beach at one of the relaxing hotels and just spend time hanging out doing nothing but being tourists! Now that the kids are older, we try to get over to Ocean Shores in WA, or one of the local islands...Bainbridge, Whidbey, or the mountains. If on my own, I would spend the time stampin with friends, then off for girlie time - spa, shopping, and fine wining & dining!

  27. I would find a day spa and indulge! But, I'd have to come home late enough so everyone would be sleeping!

  28. Oooh, just me time? I would go to a riding stables and go for a long child-free ride on the Moors. Bliss!

  29. I think my ideal 'me weekend' would be a scrappin'/stampin' retreat where I could get some serious crafting done. Some awesome local stamping stores would be fun to check out. I'm doing one day next weekend. My son has a little league tourney in Lynden WA so I'm going down for the day - a baseball game and some's gonna be a great day!!
    Heather L.

  30. I'd miss my husband & little girl if I left for very long, but I'd enjoy getting away to an elegant hotel with a view, room service and a big bathtub. I would take the new Harry Potter book & not go home until I was done reading the book:)

  31. I would love to go near a lighthouse and the water. There is nothing like the sound of water to calm the nerves. The people who visit lighthouses are very nice people.

  32. I started my mother and my sister stamping, so I would go to visit them to play with their "toys". And eat a pound of fudge for dinner since I wouldn't have little eyes to explain it to.

  33. mmmmmmm.....Good Question.
    I think I would just kick everyone out and stamp till I cant see straight I have not had the time like I would like to have had this summer but I would definately make use of time in the house alone!!!

  34. I'd probably grab my girlfriend, Cassie, and head to the spa for a day of pampering. I've only done this once & it was such a great way to unwind and have a good time.

  35. i would retreat to a cute little bed and breakfast by the ocean, spend a day at their spa and enjoy a good book, the breeze, the waves, and the sunshine. :)

  36. Since I just got back from vacation, I don't want to go anywhere! I just want to stay home and hole up in my stamping room, undisturbed for 24 hours. Ahhh to dream......

  37. Thanks for checking out my blog. I love your blog and have added it to my favorites. What are the chances we have the same name AND have blog candy at the exact same time? Too cool!

    I have always wanted to get away with my girlfriends to Las Vegas. I have not been there since I was a kid and of course it wasn't nearly as much fun as it would be now as an adult. I'm sure we'll eventually do it once the kids get a little older.

    Thanks for the chance at candy.....yummy!

  38. I would want to go to a spa for 3 days with my best friend. I would have all kinds of massages and any other kind of pampering. Then we would spend tons of money shopping! Oh, to dream!!!

  39. What a neat question for blog candy...I would go visit my aunt in Illinois. She is my best friend and currently we only get to chat on the phone and see each other about 2 times a year: Thanksgiving and Christmas. We just made our own tradition that no matter what we will see each other for those 2 holidays and we will cook and wear aprons with silly things on them!! I just lover her! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy!

  40. A retreat to the beach with some girlfriends sounds nice. A shopping trip - a good scrapbooking store. Maybe a manicure or pedicure - relaxing - besides having my toes painted for summer always cheers me up. Enjoying your blog and adore your work. TFS :)

  41. SHUT UP ... you have 40 comments!? Do I have to offer a prize to get people to leave comments!?
    Put me in the pot! I wanna win!!
    Tara ... your stuff is so DARLING - wish i lived closer and could take a class from you!
