Friday, July 20, 2007

tag...your it!

I was tagged by Tiffany (thanks Tiff) over at hook'd ink'd and stamp'd. She is awseome...her work is so cute and creative! She rocks! I guess now it's my are 3 gals I think here goes!
1. Penny at Mz. Penny Kreations. Her ideas are always she has more stamps than I have ever seen and she lives down the street from that works out in my favor!! :)
2. Andrea at Sunny Stampin'. Super cute cards and ideas...I love everything I have seen!
3. Shannan at pink tulle with feathers and sequins. How could you not be a Rocking Girl Blogger with a cute blog name like that! I recently found her blog and she has great cards!
...also since I have seen this done before here are 5 random things about me!
* I love the rain..waking up to thunderstorms and a black sky is one of my favorite things!...those are the best baking days!
* I married my high school sweetheart!...13 years and goin' strong!
* I grew up in the Seattle area...
*...and I hate seafood...people think that's crazy, not me!
* my all time favorite food has to be tacos!...hands down...I could eat them everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes...I remember from our growing up days that you were the QUEEN of Taco eating! Couldn't you eat like 14 from Taco Bell in one setting?

