Sunday, September 9, 2007

file folder

I have wanted to make one of these since I saw it on Taylor's blog...& then Kristina made one too and posted her directions...then I really, really wanted to do one! It was a much easier and quicker project than I anticipated! I was wondering what I was gonna do with this Creative License Simply Scrappin' Kit...when I sat down to make this seemed like the perfect thing to use! I like to make something every once and awhile that doesn't require alot of the kit was the way to go! I haven't decided what I am going to put on the tabs yet...I thought I would leave it until I get back from Seattle so I can just sit and admire it! :) {giggling} Do you ever just need to sit and admire what you did?...well today I feel like that! I thought while I was working on this though that it would be a fun little gift for the grandparents...since I have 4 kids, they could each take a tab and write a cute note to grammie
& papa and it would be a nice keepsake! Have a terrific week!!! I am going to be insanely busy tomorrow getting ready to this will be my last post till I get back on the 19th! When I get back though...I think it will be about time for some blog candy!! {yum!}
So until the 19th.... "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..." ;) Tara


  1. OMG this is just adorable. Love the colros. Great job! :)

  2. HOLY SMOLLY GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!! This is gorgeous !!! I was so glad too when I saw that Kristina said she was going to post instructions for this's on my "to do this week" list !! did a great job...congrats !!!

  3. I am making these too for my BFF 10 year old daughter and her 5 friends - I had them downtown Chicago for a bday party sleepover - can i see the front of yours?

  4. WOW,this is awesome, love it!! Can't wait to make one of these myself. Have a great trip!

  5. Oh my goodness, I think Im about to fall off my chair!!!!!!!!!! SPECTACULAR doesnt even do this project justice. This is the most adorable thing I've seen in so long I can't even remember!!! Okay so I totaly will have to do one now! Do you mind if I totally case this or what?

  6. Tara, I can't wait to get this scrapping kit. Love this project; thanks for providing the link with the directions. And yes, I can relate to just sitting there looking at a project when it's done! Thanks for sharing.

  7. did you use the whole file folder or cut in half - seemed like taylor had differnt instructions than kristina- all confused lol

  8. Tara, this file folder is incredible! WOW! I just love all the decorative options the SU Simply Scrappin' Kits offer, and Creative License is one of my favorites! Well done!!!!
