Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm back!

I'm back!! I got back last Wednesday I have been home for a few days but those first few days trying to get back into real life after vacation mode is tough!! :) I had such a great was just total fun and relaxin' and hangin' out! I am glad to be home though...I missed my hubby and kiddos! I have been busy since I got back, yesterday was my 13 year wedding anniversary!! It's been a great 13 years..lots of up and a few downs but we have made it and I can't wait to celebrate many, many more! Today is Kailee's 12th birthday and then Friday is Ty's 7th birthday, so we have an eventful week!! I will be posting something fun soon! Glad to be back! Have a terrific Monday!
OH MY....I looked at my counter this morning too and I am almost at 10,000 hits!! WOW...I am stunned that so many of you stop by to check in over here in my little corner of the world! When the counter hits the 10,000 mark I will post some blog candy...I did find a few goodies in Seattle while I was there!