Tuesday, October 2, 2007

another little birdie

Is this THE cutest little thing you have ever seen...I wasn't even going to buy stamps today but when I saw this I couldn't leave it in the store!! He just makes me happy!!! I used some basic grey paper...I love this paper...such great colors! It seemed to go well with the little chick! I colored him using my blender pens and ink pads. I inked the edges of the blue with bashful blue and I did a little paper piercing on the sides. There isn't to much goin' on in this card you can't see from the picture...it was easy and super quick! I stamped it while I was waiting for my daughter to finish her math homework!! :)
**I have had fun reading your comments for the blog candy....ya'll are makin' me hungry! I have now penciled in baking on my already 'way to long' list of things to do this week!! I haven't forgotten about posting my recipe...it's coming! You will be happy to know I made it to Archivers and I found a very cute something to add to the blog candy!! (make sure you scroll down and leave a comment for a chance to win!) I will share later...a little suspense is good...right?!! :) Have a great night!
{hugs} Tara
what's in it?...
stamps...Hello Chick by Stampendous
paper...bashful blue, chocolate chip, whisper white, Basic Grey Phoebe
ink...bashful blue, certainly celery, chocolate chip, pixie pink, so saffron
accessories...blue brads, crystal stickles, celery polka dot ribbon
other...3/4 in. circle punch, paper piercer, blender pens