Monday, October 1, 2007

a little birdie...

I wanted to post something besides the blog candy and I was able to take 20 whole minutes to be crafty today!!! WOW...who says I don't get some time to myself to do the things I enjoy!! {add sarcasm here} ;) I found the cute little birdie stamp while I was in came all by itself so I don't know who it's from cuz the packaging is long gone! Since I was crunched for time I used a color combo I have used before. I took the colors from this cute Cosmo Cricket patterned paper. I did the ribbon using a cute little trick I got from Laurie on her blog...check it out here. Well I gotta run my 25 minutes of free time is gone and it's back to the "running around like a chicken with my head cut off" thing. Thanks for stoppin' by...don't forget to enter below in the drawing for blog candy!
what in it?...
stamps...a little birdie
paper...real red, river rock, soft sky, cosmo cricket
ink...basic black, soft sky, real red, river rock brads, red ribbon, light blue stiched ribbon
other...distresser, blender pens, hole punch

***A few of you were asking me what the difference was between my 2 file folders I here is the diff. The first one I made (see here) using Kristina's directions...see here. It is just using half of the file folder so it's a smaller version. The second one I made for the baby girl (see here) is the one that Taylor made and posted directions for...see here. (scroll down about halfway or so to find it!) She uses the whole folder...there isn't a huge difference..just in size. Both are so easy and so cute!! If you haven't tried one you should...they are fun!! :)

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