Sunday, October 14, 2007

cowboy card

It's Sunday night...almost time for the week to start again...are you ready? I could always use one more day to sleep a little more and relax a little bit...but what are ya gonna do? I needed to make a few thank you cards this weekend for some sweet people in my life! Here is one that I did...I love the cowboy on his horse! He's just soooo cool! I used all browns and made it look distressed, dirty & dusty...very cowboyish! I got to use my Sanded Background stamp...a stamp that I love but haven't had a chance to use alot. It is such a neat look! Lots of tearing, distressing and inking and the card was finished! Thanks for stoppin' by!! I really appreciate all the nice comments you guys leave...thanks for being patient with me...since I got back from my trip I haven't posted nearly as much as I would like to but I am hoping to get there!! So...thanks...ya'll rock!!! Tara
what's in it?...
stamps...Bronc Buster, Sanded bkgrd
paper...chocolate chip, close to cocoa, creamy caramel, very vanilla
ink...chocolate chip, close to cocoa, creamy caramel
accessories...brads, taupe ribbon punch, dimensionals, distresser, sponges


  1. Oooooh, fabulous card! Love all the distressing, the star punch, and the brads along the side like rivets! Congrats to your son too!! That is SOOO cool! I know how proud you must be! We just watched Kids Week on Jeopardy (yes, we dvr it, we're nerds) and every time the parents came out at the end, they were just busting with pride and I cried every day!

  2. WOW! Love the rustic look you've given this card! Very western!

  3. Great job, kiddo !! I love how you got your cardstock to look so it :)

    Have a good one

  4. AWESOME!!! I love the way you made him look dirty!!! EXCELLENT JOB!!!
    Debbie J.
