Friday, October 12, 2007


It's been a week since my last post...why?...well I was in a slump this week. It took me all week to make 7 itty bitty 3x3 cards to put in the Origami Box that is in my last post! (by the way...still not quite finished, I will share then when I am done!) That's a little sad...but oh well, at least they are almost done now! On the up side I did make this WitchyBella card friend Penny gave me this bella stamp...isn't she so sweet! I think it's so cool! I used my doodlebug halloween paper and a few of the matching cardstock stickers. I colored in bella with blender pens and ink pads.
what's in it?...
paper...basic black, only orange, doodlebug halloween, whisper white, only orange, lovely lilac, green galore, blush blossom, chocolate chip ribbon, black brads, doodlebug cardstock stickers corner punch, blender pens

My son Austin who is a 5th grader this year was voted Student Body PRESIDENT at his school!! Isn't that so great!!? We are so happy for him!! He is a great kid and I think he will do an awesome job as president!!! Here is a pic of Austin...not a real recent one, but one of my favorites! :) ***Have a great weekend!


  1. Growing with envy! A witchy bella?? Hmm what does a girl have to do to get a few stamped images??? LOL
    Congrats to Austin, that is so exciting, I know he will do an amazing job!!!

  2. Yea for Austin! I can't believe 5th grade already! WHOA! I remember 5th grade, when this girl...what was her name again?-came into my classroom...and then on Sunday, I saw her at church and then I realized she was my neighbor!! Who was that again? OH YEAH...It was YOU! :)

  3. A lovely card Tara, Congrats to your son he looks very grown up and the lake in the background looks fantastic, jenny x

  4. Congratulations, Austin! Such a great achievement at such a young age! You must be very proud, Tara! Super cute card too!
