Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Happy birthday to me today!!! I am 32 now! I don't feel older or wiser...oh well! I do feel like I might lose my mind though....I am so bored sitting in bed! My surgery went really well and I seem to be recovering fine (I go to the doctor tomorrow)...hopefully he will tell me that I can start being up and around more than bathroom privileges! So you may be wondering how I am at the computer?...well I am cheating, it's my gift to myself, I ventured downstairs and checked my email decided to blog a minute and then straight back to bed! I have kept my foot elevated the whole time though...so really it's ok! ;) I have big plans to have lunch with my hubby and watch some episodes of The Office today!! wahoo!! :) Thanks to everyone for all your well wishes on the surgery...it was so sweet of you!!!
I wanted to share a couple of pics from things we did at our Stamp Club meeting last week. They are just some fun, cute homemade gift/treat ideas....I wanted to do something different than just showing them new things so this time I had all the girls make everything! I think it went really well and it was pretty fun! Anything is fun when chocolate is involved!This one is a M&M holder...it's basically the same thing as a candy bar holder...just slightly different dimensions. {it's 5 1/2 x 6 1/2} I used River Rock for the holder and used my Spot On wheel for the background. I used Real Red and some striped Dashing paper for the band and also used Dashing paper for the scalloped circle. Then I just layered some circles and added a brad and it's done! Super easy!!This one is a cute little 2-4-6-8 box made with acetate. It was really simple...and isn't it soooo darling?!! I filled it with kisses, but you could put lots of different things in it! I used my Wintergreen DS paper to make this and layered lots of circles again for a cute top. I also used my giga square scallop to give the top and bottom a nice finish.Ok...and last was this super easy gift card holder. I found these tiny little paper bags when I was in Seattle (I can't remember what store) and I had to get them...I just decorated the front of the bag and a gift card slides in and fits perfectly. I used my little stocking from the Event Full set...and a few layers to give it some color and finished it with some stitched ribbon!
Ok...last thing and then I will be done...can you tell I have been deprived of the outside world for a while!! :) I am offering some birthday blog candy! Since it's my birthday and ya'll say such nice things all the time, it's time to share something fun with you!! So leave a comment on this post and I will enter your name in the drawing...only enter once please. How 'bout leave a comment on your favorite birthday treat! I love cake, but this year I decided I wanted a French Silk Pie...so my hubby made me one and I can't wait to have some tonight! I will draw a name on Friday night about 7 pm. {what's the blog candy you ask?...well it's a surprise!...when I draw the name I will reveal what it is!!}
Good Luck and have an awesome day!!! :) :)


Super Angie Супер Энджи said...

Happy Happy Birthday Tara dear...

So, do you remember when we went to Lakeside Drugs, and promised each other that we would buy each other those balloons with the gifts inside? Talk about fun birthdays! lets see...buttons that say funny things, key rings, note pads, candy and probably a small stuffed animal--right?

Glad you get to be pampered on your birthday--even if its not by choice.

My favorite birthday treat...ice cream cakes and chocolate mouse or chocolate cheesecake.

PS...I'm gonna do a birthday blog candy too (I'll start mine tomorrow and have it go until my birthday). :)

Jan Scholl said...

my bd is Friday and I never celebrate it anymore. The only one that meant anything was my 18th-I was free of the nut house! I did move out that day too. no special treats. just another day.

Dottie K. said...

Glad to hear your feeling better. Don't over do it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today's my sister's birthday. Mmmmm.chocolate silk pie - yummy! My birthday was the
5th. All these December birthdays. Enjoy! Thanks for the chance at some birthday treats. :)

Cheryl KVD said...

Happy Birthday!! I have to say that I love Dairy Queen's Ice Cream Cakes!! They are so yummy!! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I love your treat ideas - really love the acetate box! Thanks for sharing!!! My favorite dessert on my birthday is a BIG warm brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. If we have caramel sauce that is good too!!! Enjoy your pie!!

corinnesomerville said...

I'm so glad that you're surgery went well....okay can you hear my motherly voice now saying..."Don't over do it, sweetie !!!" Make sure you take good care of yourself. You're creations are gorgeous and surgery has obviously made you even MORE creative !!! Way to go !!!
Happy Birthday, Kiddo !!!
My favourite birthday treat is CHEESECAKE !!!! I'm drooling right now...I had the chance to have a nice big slice of New York Cheesecake last night with caramel sauce and I turned it down !!! Why...I'm wondering that this morning too :(

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tara! My mother-in-law's is the same day.
I really enjoy your blog and your creations. The treat box is adorable! My daughter and I celebrate our birthdays together and we always have cherry cheesecake!! YumYum!

Anonymous said...

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting -- homemade, of course!

We've missed you. Glad to hear all is going pretty well. I know it's hard to stay off your feet. It always sounds appealing, until about the second or third day, when you start to think about climbing the walls!

I absolutely love the acetate treat box -- so versatile. TFS!

Anonymous said...

Too bad your birthday present to yourself didn't end very well. I hope your doctor's appointment went well and that there was no more damage to your foot.

My favorite birthday treat? Little hard to think about because we are trying to eat healthy and it is going to make me cheat, oh well. I use to pick (okay sometimes I still do) as my birthday breakfast Chocolate Gravy. It is so yummy. Let me know if you are interested in the recipe. Adam thinks it is disguisting although he has never tried it but the girls and I love it. I made it once a week at the beginning of my pregnancy. :)

Hope you had a happy day!!

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!! I sure hope you are up and running around again soon.. You know me, I order my own Chocolate Birthday cake just to make sure I get it the way I want it!! Hehehe
Did you get the cards I sent?? I hope when you are up and moving you get to make something fun to share!

Unknown said...

I have no idea what blog candy is! But my favorite birthday treat would be going to a nice restaurant just for dessert with my hubby.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I was glad to see you stampin with the new set the demos received. The stamp set is not calling my name but I am liking it more and more with the cards you are showing.

My favorite, favorite is angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate!! I don't even touch the angel food cake until the following day. I always fill up on the chocolate covered strawberries that are around and on top of the angel food cake!! Oh, I wish it was May!

To a speedy recovery,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I was glad to see you stampin with the new set the demos received. The stamp set is not calling my name but I am liking it more and more with the cards you are showing.

My favorite, favorite is angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate!! I don't even touch the angel food cake until the following day. I always fill up on the chocolate covered strawberries that are around and on top of the angel food cake!! Oh, I wish it was May!

To a speedy recovery,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Everytime I think about saying that, especially this time of the year, it reminds me of the old Frosty animated movie when he comes to life. Brings back memories of childhood Birthdays (yes, I am showing my age). My favorite Birthday treat, unusual, Boston Cream Pie. It is really not a pie rather, a 2 layer yellow cake with custard filling in the middle an Chocolate Glaze over the top. My mom always made it from scratch. Reminds me of how special I felt that she took the time to make a scratch cake. Have a super day!

Nikki Bond said...

Happy birthday to you!!!!!

My fav birthday treat as a kid was lemon cake! We had so many family birthday in the "fall" months before mine and always had chocolate cake so when mine finally came around I always had to be different and have lemon cake! Now that I have 3 kids though I can't have it anymore...they hate it! :( LOL