Sunday, February 3, 2008

sour cream container

Did you have a good weekend? Mine went by waaaay too fast!!! I had so much to do (and I think I got it all done?...hmmm) it seems like there wasn't really a weekend at all...just another couple of days filled with lists of things to do! I had my Stamp Club meeting on Saturday so I have some fun pictures to share with you throughout the week. I showed my gals how to make the super cute sour cream container that was in the Weekly Inkling from are the directions for how to make one. I made mine with acetate...I actually thought the acetate was easier to use than paper. Instead of stamping I thought it would be cute to add little flowers to the I punched out flowers with my Three For You punch in 4 different colors and put them randomly on the acetate with silver brads. I matched my paper to the color of the peanut m&m's that I had! I added a red ribbon at the top to hide the sticky strip and I was done...these things are soooo easy!...and alot of fun! I think I am going to be making these for valentines this year for teachers and friends!!
Take care....gotta get to bed...yikes!!'s 11:45pm and I have sooo much more to do still tomorrow! Have a marvelous Monday!! :)
what' in it?...
paper...real red, whisper white, pink passion, pixie pink

accessories...silver brads, red ribbon

other...acetate, Three For You punch, sticky strip, m&m's


  1. LOVE the sour cream container made out of acetate! Great idea! Thanks for sharing

  2. What a great idea to make it out of acetate !!! Genius !!!

  3. This is great, I LOVE it!!! So cute and I am loving all these things I see made out of acetate! You can make anything out of it! GREAT JOB!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I Loved doing this one!!!! Great Job!! Lotsa pink!
