Monday, February 4, 2008

too much cuteness!!!

I can't even begin to explain the cuteness factor today!!! Are you just eatin' it up too?...these cards are sooooooo darling! I totally copied this idea from a couple of very talented ladies!! I LOVE their work! Lauren has the directions on her here for directions. Mary Jo also made some super cute onesies! Check out their blogs and see where my inspiration came from! I was asked just a few days ago to make some baby shower invitations for an upcoming shower...I am totally going to make these cute onesies for the invites!!! I am in a huge hurry today...I cheated big time and came down to make this card while I was waiting for the rollers in my hair to dry...I was supposed to leave for Costco about 30 mins. ago! {How could you not make one of these cards though after seeing them?} It was worth it though....I will just be running a little faster than already planned today to get everything done!
what' in it?...
stamps...greetings galore
paper...whisper white, bashful blue, markers...bashful blue, creamy caramel, close to cocoa, blush blossom, real red button brads

other...scallop punch, 1 1/2 in. punch, stamp-a-ma-jig


  1. Hi Katy,
    You did a great job on your cards. They are adorable. How did you get the shape? Did you just draw it fee hand? I looked on Laurens blog but didn't see anything about that.
    Thanks Connie R.

  2. Wayyyyyy too cute !!! Love the bib !!!

  3. Very Cute Tara!!!!! I did one a long time ago for my cousin that had a baby girl and she LOVED it too!!! Great Job!!!

  4. Sorry about the name mix up Tara.
    Connie R.
