Monday, October 20, 2008

merry & bright

Good Afternoon!! I am loving the fall weather we are finally having here in Katy! Sometimes during those hot months it seems like the nice days will never get here! I couldn't resist stamping this morning before I got to all my other responsibilities. I found these sticky doodlebug letters at Archivers last time I was there. I wasn't even looking for them either...they just called out to me and I found them! :) I cover the letters in green glitter. I made this card for the challenge this week at 2 sketches 4 you...although I strayed a little bit...I think it can still be worthy! I used some of the yummy riding hood red ribbon and kept this card fairly simple. I really wanted the "merry & bright" to be the focus! I also used a little bit of the Holiday Treasures dsp and a few ruby red brads to finish off my card.
Gotta run...Kailee, Tyson & Kyler have their first rehearsal today! They all tried out and made it into the local high school production of the Wizard of Oz...they are going to be munchkins! CUTE huh!
chat at ya later!! :)
what's in it?...
paper...baja breeze, certainly celery, old olive, whisper white, Holiday Treasures dsp
ink...baja breeze
accessories...riding hood red, ruby red brads, green glitter, sticky letters (Doodlebug)
other...dimensionals, scallop edge punch, paper piercer


Angie Tieman said...

Oooh, this is sooo super cute! It's so cheerful, love it! You are groovin' on the Christmas stuff!

Laura Davis said...

Oh this card is so worthy Tara it's beautiful! I love the theme:)

Rosanne said...

very cute card, love th glittery letters!

Kath Stewart said...

oh this is the simple elegance - just my type of card

Anonymous said...

This card is so cute, I love those glittery letters.

~dawne said...

What a great card. I love how you glittered those letters. I have some.........might have to try this!!

Kylah Marro said...

This card is so cute!!! Thanks for the comment about my banner! 100% used your idea for using one of my cards!!!!!! THANK YOU!

Nicole Maki said...

So much sparkle. Love it.

Good for you for working on Christmas already.

Nicely done.

TamTam said...

Hey, the card is great, but I wanna hear more about the Wizard! How did practice go?
Keep stampin girl, I admire your talent.

Ashley Newell said...

Very pretty!

ohradiogirl said...

Super cute and colorful.

**Nancy** said...

I love the simplicity of this card! Love what you did with the Doodlebug letters!

Anonymous said...

pretty card!

Eve said...

I LOVE the glitter letters!
Nice job!

tomiannie said...

What a fun, happy card!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love the sparkles.

Enjoli said...

Super cute card! I love the glittery letters. =)