Ok...so I mentioned already that I have been so busy I haven't really had time to stamp! (As if you didn't know from the extreme lack of posts) I have been showing you a few of my home decorating projects. Today I have another one for you! I recently felt like my life was missing something! What was missing you ask?... My very own vinyl cutting machine, of course!! I am in love folks! It's the real deal...mushy gushy, no returns for me, already labeled it with my name kinda love!!! It ranks in my Top Ten...right after Shawners, the kids, diet coke and tacos!! So I really haven't had the time to play with it but i have been anyway. (who needs clean clothes or dinner) Who could resist? The kids had a 1/2 day today and so I spent the morning making and putting up this awesomeness in my kitchen! LOVE!!!
Have a super, duper fabulous weekend! The kids and I are going to the Rockets game tonight. Kailee is singing the National Anthem with her choir again this year. Then tomorrow Shawners will be home...after a very long month and half long of travel. (with only a few days home)
Thanks for stopping by!!!
chat at ya later...